Here is a revival prayer list that you can use personally or as a group.
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1. Search our hearts, expose hidden sins, and lead us to true repentance. – Psalm 139:23-24
2. Break our pride and grant us a spirit of humility before You. – 2 Chronicles 7:14
3. Tear down every idol we have set up in our lives. – Ezekiel 14:6
4. Convict us deeply of our apathy toward sin and awaken us to Your holiness. – Isaiah 6:1-5
5. Cleanse us from worldliness and purify our hearts. – James 4:8
6. Ignite in us a holy hatred for sin and a longing for righteousness. – Psalm 97:10
7. Restore the joy of salvation to those who have grown cold. – Psalm 51:12
8. Open our eyes to the ways we grieve and quench the Holy Spirit. – Ephesians 4:30, 1 Thessalonians 5:19
9. Crush any self-righteousness in us and remind us of our desperate need for Your grace. – Luke 18:13-14
10. Break our hearts for what breaks Yours and move us to action. – Joel 2:12-13
11. Teach us to mourn over sin with godly sorrow. – 2 Corinthians 7:10
12. Awaken the church to the urgency of holiness and obedience. – 1 Peter 1:15-16
13. Cause us to weep and intercede for the lost with unrelenting fervor. – Romans 9:2-3
14. Raise up prayer warriors to stand in the gap for this generation. – Ezekiel 22:30
15. Remove our complacency and awaken us to Your mission. – Revelation 3:15-16
16. Break the strongholds of sin and unbelief in our church. – 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
17. Pour out a spirit of confession and repentance among us. – Nehemiah 9:2-3
18. Revive our first love for You and rekindle our passion for Your name. – Revelation 2:4-5
19. Sweep through the church with a holy fire that refines and purifies. – Malachi 3:2-3
20. Grant us boldness to confront sin in love and truth. – Galatians 6:1
21. Strip away every distraction that keeps us from seeking You wholeheartedly. – Hebrews 12:1-2
22. Send a deep conviction of sin throughout our community. – John 16:8
23. Raise up leaders who will preach repentance and revival without compromise. – Jeremiah 1:9-10
24. Break our hearts for the condition of the lost and the lukewarm. – Ezekiel 9:4
25. Teach us to fast and pray with urgency for the awakening we need. – Matthew 6:16-18
26. Confront us with the reality of eternity and the cost of neglecting Your call. – Matthew 7:21-23
27. Shake the church from its slumber and fill us with holy zeal. – Romans 13:11
28. Help us turn from every known sin, no matter the cost. – Proverbs 28:13
29. Awaken us to the power and necessity of the Holy Spirit in our lives. – Acts 1:8
30. Let revival start with us, spreading from our hearts to our homes and beyond. – Habakkuk 3:2